Let's make business the sustainable way!

We are here to make your projects and ideas become a reality

Energy generation, energy efficiency

Water and solid waste issues

Circular economy, industrial ecology

What we can do for and with you

Energy solutions

Your project is eco-friendly? We are a technology provider for a number of applications.

Environment and Sustainability Consulting

Share your project whether you are looking for a consultancy or a partner for a tender

Water clean-ups

Our solutions enable to clean-up the waters you care for.

Energy Solutions

Our expertise focuses on a small number of solutions: heat to electricity with ORC modules, micro-hydro innovative turbines, energy efficiency or waste-to-energy

Environment and Sustainability Consulting

You feel concerned about your environmental impact, you have want to change the way you are doing business while not degrading your margins, you are looking for specific expertise or a local coordinator to apply for a call for projects? Get in touch with us!

Water clean-ups

You know the importance of oceans for humanity survival. Let’s act and have immediate impact… Our trawl-nets are the first proven equipments to fight against water pollutions, the are also the most cost/effective solutions and the only one to be able to operate on all water surface from the ocean to small waterways

Sustenea's Energy Solutions

As a consulting firm, Sustenea can advise and assist you in preparing your project, whether you need to assess the solutions that best suit your project or whether you are already at a stage to study a specific solution. More concretely, we do:

Provide Due Diligence

Be your energy expert for a tender

Build-up your team and coordinate

Negociate with outfitters as your expert

Provide Pre feasibility studies

Identify the best technologies

Help you make energy savings

Represent our energy partner

Advise you how to recover waste heat

Indonesia is granted one of the largest renewable energy potential in the world, enough to fulfil the country needs: geothermal, hydropower, sun, biomass, wind, tidal energy and more. Let’s make this potential become the sustainable sources of energy and electricity of tomorrow

Sometimes, the energy is right there with you even knowing about it or being aware but not knowing how to revover it. It’s not your core business and you fear it is going to mobilize to much budget that can be used in what your business is about? Let’s check about that together. What if this energy that is untapped or wasted can actually help your increase your profit margins, develop your business, requiring a small CAPEX and little maintenance?

Renewable energy is not just about solar PV and wind power. It is hydropower, energy from the oceans, transforming heat into electricity, like do nuclear and fossil-fuel power plants, but the sustainable way, using waste heat or heat made from renewable sources

While most countries see the importance and the potential of energy efficiency, it is still very marginal in Indonesia. Why building new power plants, emitting a lot of Green House Gas emissions, pulling away the country from its commitment in terms of carbon emissions and energy mix while it is possible to just better use the energy already available?

The future of electricity generation is to produce and consume locally, especially when you are the largest archipelago in the world, composed of thousands of islands. Choosing micro grids and energy that is given to you where you are, you make the best of what nature gives you

Did you know that Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology enables all the following applications: energy efficiency, biomass, biogas, geothermal, thermal solar, ocean thermal energy conversion, transportation?

Hydropower is not just big dams on large rivers. There are a number of micro hydro solutions with dedicated turbines to fit all kinds of rivers, up to the smallest that can power households and villages 24/7

Sustainability can sublimate your business. Far to be a burden, sustainability can be a source of profits, while taking care of people and environment. We must not see the planet as a place where we live at our disposal for exploitation. Our planet enables us to exist. Whatever our behaviour, it will survive us. So taking care of the environment is making sure we – humans – can continue write our story for the next generations. Concretely we do:

Rethink your business with circular economy

Industrial and territorial ecology

Assist your to implement a real CSR policy

Water clean-ups

The world slowly begins to realize the importance of oceans for humanity. But marine debris are not only a global threat, it can also possibly a scourge at local level, in your city or district, unless appropriate measure to combat plastic waste are taken.

Sell trawl-nets, train and assist

Operate the trawls for our clients

Intervene for a specific action

The first thing to do is of course to improve waste management on the land, to prevent as much plastics to reach the waterways. This implies a strong commitment, a strategy, a budget, coordination and therefore centralisation, appropriate regulations, low enforcement, equipments, training and education. Then fight against plastic waste must be addressed at the source with innovation, initiatives that allow mitigation like alternatives to fossil plastics. We support 100% preventive measures that will ultimately lead us to achieve a zero plastic leakage to rivers and oceans but … this will take time … unfortunately probably a very long time beacause most of the measures will have only little impact, at least for the first years. They are medium and long term measures.

Then the truth is we are not capable of catching micro platics in rivers and in the oceans, and we will probably never will. This means we will have to leave with the micro plastics already there and the ones that will be leaked until we reach our zero plastic to waters objective for the next 500 years, probably much more. With the consequence on climate change, ecosystems, food chain, waster cycle, etc.

So in parallel of preventive, medium and long term impact measures, we should also do all we can to prevent marine debris, which is catch the macro plastics on all water bodies before they start degrading, sinking or drifting offshore.

And the good news is that we have the most flexible, cost/effective solution to collect the floating debris on all types of waters: canals, rivers, estuaries, lakes and sea waters, under serious meteorological conditions like strong wind and tropical rains.

After withdrawing the waste from the water, we also want to propose the local authorities ways to process the collected waste so that none of it is landfilled, with a number of solutions adapted to the local conditions and involving local stakeholders.